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Healing Breastfeeding Grief & Trauma
Module 1 - Welcome
About Me & The Course (12:37)
Activity - Beginning Questionnaire
Exercise - Walk in Nature
Module 2 - What is Trauma?
Trauma Defined (18:33)
Activity - Your Trauma Response Personality
Exercise - Quantum Flow Activation with Pippa Moss (22:51)
Module 3 - How we Process & Store Experience
Our Learned/Conditioned Responses (16:23)
How Our Body Reacts (18:22)
Activity - Changing Our Behaviours
Exercise - Somatic Meditation (11:54)
Module 4 - How Unresolved Trauma Resurfaces
Triggered into Response (15:30)
Activity - Noticing Body Responses
Exercise - Vagus Regulation (9:04)
Module 5 - Breastfeeding Difficulties: Embedding New & Triggering Old
Trauma Woven Into the Feeding Journey (27:03)
Activity - Debriefing our Feeding Experience
Exercise - Meditation for Safety
Module 6 - The Impacts of Unresolved Feeding Trauma
Connecting the Dots (13:35)
Activity - Noticing Our Feeding Triggers
Exercise - Soundbath with Crystal Singing Bowls (14:52)
Module 7 - Healing Old Patterns Through Recognition
Healing Through Recognition (7:37)
Activity - Wounded Healer
Exercise - Self Massage with Pippa Moss (17:31)
Module 8 - Compassion & Self Love for the Inner Child
Self Love Heals All (21:18)
Activity - Creating Affirmations
Exercise - Affirming Self Love
Module 9 - Sustaining a Life Long Healing Process
Moving Forward... (4:26)
Activity - Commit to Yourself
Exercise - Victory Stretch (8:25)
Trauma Defined
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